Competing in the Global Market

Stanka Becheva, a food and agriculture campaigner calls for local market support. Apparently, competing in the global market is the root of all problems. It will be hard to convince people that industrial agriculture can be green. The commission is thinking of providing farmers with new tools which will reduce crises as well as enable them to gain access to new markets. Other advisors in the commission suggested reinsurance schemes for natural disasters. They are thinking of shifting CAP resources to risk management funds. They also want to expand markets for products like pig meat, butter, and milk powder.


So far restructuring of the Common Agricultural Policy is based on the two large pillars. Most people favor the one on elite payments. A lot of funds are paid to farmers in form of direct payments based on farm size. Many parties want to see these funds go to small-scale farmers as opposed to large agricultural farms. The second pillar is about payments made to help farmers adopt environmentally friendly practices. These include crop rotation, protecting catchment areas, and preserving grasslands.

The existing balance favors the first pillar where more funds are paid to farms with big acreages. The 2014-2020 budget has seen large-scale farms receive 360 billion in form of direct payments. Only 85 billion was handed to rural development needs. EU is adamant about shifting the balance.


Hogans’s push for subsidies that take care of the environment will stir emotions among European Agricultural stakeholders who are beneficiaries. The agricultural commissioner is expected to battle with EU members like France and Netherlands. This is expected to happen in case of any shifts from hallowed direct payments. Merril’s proposal means that Brazzers offers farmers will have to use better ventilation and storage systems. Reducing environmental impact requires an intelligent approach. But it will likely destabilize the economy and employment. Arable areas will require intelligent green management systems.


The commission needs to come up with legislative proposals before the year 2020 when the current budget cycle comes to an end. A debate for improvements and reforms will be put to rest during public consultations in January. Hogan should keep in mind the days of first-pillar payments are numbered. One of the EU officials has pointed out that direct payments will form a key role in the reform plans but not as before.

Battle for a Streamlined Policy On Europe’s Agricultural Subsidies

Agricultural stakeholders are calling for the EU to reform the Common Agricultural Policy. This is a lavish

subsidy that uses 38 percent of EU funds to pay out farmers. For many years the main beneficiaries are rich families and large

farms. Some of the powerful lobbies have started fighting for these treasured CAP payments. The Save Our Subsidies is a great battle set to happen next year. Consultations on how to save the CAP will start in January. Currently, pressure is mounting for a streamlined agricultural policy.


The Common Agricultural Policy has been funding groups like English dukes and members of the large FrieslandCampina dairy company. The latter has billions of euros in sales. This money is expected to save tied-down farmers who need a boost. Almost 80 percent of the funds go to 20 percent of wealthy beneficiaries. This is according to the European Commission reports. Environmentalists also argue that favoring big commercial farms has contributed to methane emissions and soil degradation.


Some influential farmer lobbies including the Committee Of Professional Agricultural Organization (COPA) want the agricultural policy to be streamlined. They want it to be done in the next budget review with Viv Thomas Discounts which will see its completion by the end of the year 2017. Environmentalists also want it to be more environmentally accountable. These demands are growing as Brexit and the weak eurozone are depleting EU reserves. The allocation protests are already reaching a high pitch.


Martin Merrild, CEO of Copa said that CAP needs improvement, not reform. He said that farmers should invest in new technologies to promote a cleaner environment instead of using direct subsidies to fight climate change. On the other hand, Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan calls for an environmentally sensitive CAP. Agricultural Co-operation in the European Union under the leadership of Thomas Magnusson vowed to block any attempts of cutting down subsidies. He pointed out that many agricultural challenges can be addressed by Common Agricultural Policy.